
See how HDTV’s work on the INSIDE!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Now you can see firsthand how different HDTV technologies produce their pictures, with Sherman’s in-store HDTV cutaway displays. We’ve taken the three main LCD/LED types: CCFL LCD, Edge-Lit LED, and Backlit LED and cut away many of the inside layers, then put them back together again. You can see them running in our stores. On half you’ll see the regular picture they display, and on the other half you’ll see how the inner workings are producing that picture. We also have a Plasma as part of the display. Since you can’t cut out part of a Plasma panel, we’ve created a visual representation of the plasma cell structure. If you want to make an informed decision about which set to choose, this is a must-see! Stop into Sherman’s and check it out today.