
Vote for Charity!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Last month you nominated over 30 deserving charities! Now it's time to vote for who gets your $1 donation on our Facebook "Local Charities" photo album.

Sherman's will donate up to $1 per Facebook fan to the charity of your choice. All you need to do is visit our Facebook page and follow the steps below to vote for your favorite charity.

How to vote:

1) Go to our Facebook page here
2) If you are not already a fan, click the 'Like Us' button at the top of the page
3) Go to the Local Charities photo album
4) Click "Like" under the charity of our choice (limit 1 vote per fan)
5) Sherman's will donate up to $1 per fan to the charity of your choice
6) Voting will continue through Friday, December 31st
7) The donations to the charities will be made the first week of January
Thank you for helping us recognize local charities! Remember the more fans we have the more money that can be donated to your favorite charity!


klcullett said...

What a fabulous way to give back to the community. Great Job and Thank You!